Sunday, August 30, 2015

American Conservatism is Passive Aggressive

American conservatism is largely passive aggressive. The approach goes something like this: You are oppressing me when trying to force me to honor your civil rights. I have faith-based freedoms that YOU are denying because of your presence in MY world. Or I have a right to say what I want to about you because I have Constitutional Rights that says I do.

The entire conflict arises when a person or group of people decide that they can ignore the laws and statutes of America, the States and local jurisdictions. They decide to exercise that freedom, right or alleged right in an in-your-face fashion. Such is the strategy of the Open-carry Movement.

The men and a few women dress up in their Saturday best outfits and don the fashion accessories that are capable of killing many people in a matter of seconds. They sling their AK-47s and AR-15s over their backs and strap on a 9mm handgun just for good balance. Why? Because they can.

There has never in the USA been a situation where a highly armed individual saved his own life or others with such weaponry as the ready. On the other hand, there have been numerous incidents where such people are the perpetrators of such carnage. The are passive aggressively rubbing everyone's noses in their "2nd Amendment Right" to bear arms. They stand in checking lines at the big-box stores, Krogers, Eat'n'Park using their body language to silently shout, 'Here I am exercising MY rights while NOT threatening you in any way." This behavior is very similar to a child pointing his finger in his younger sibling's face and saying, "Here is me NOT touching you," after mother says, "stop touching your brother." Passive aggressiveness to the MAX.

In Kentucky, elected County Clerk, Kim Davis, has decided that she can refuse to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples who walk up to HER counter and expect to be served like any other couple seeking to be married. She has taken it upon herself to maintain that refusal even in light of a Federal Judge's order.

"Rowan County Chief Clerk Kim Davis' lawyers filed an emergency appeal late Friday asking the Court to grant "asylum for her conscience" and allow her to continue to deny marriage licenses to same-sex couples," according to The Associated Press.

Kim continues to claim a superior position to the applicants who seek to use their tax-paid services that Rowan County provides. Kim is in the power position to unilaterally deny the licenses because she is the only person in that county that can sign the license. And she knows it.

In defense of her alleged rights, "Davis has suggested that same-sex couples can either go to a neighboring county or seek the signature of a different Rowan County official. She has also suggested that the state could change the law about marriage license signatures, removing the requirement that she sign her name to couples she finds sinful. The lower-court judge has rejected all three arguments."

In particular alleged Christian Conservatives have employed the passive aggressive approach in many instances. Christian prayer in public schools has been litigated over and over while the proponents say that their children are being denied their religious freedom to pray publicly in the schools. they imply that their god treats everyone poorly because of his exclusion. This is textbook example of the way religions prey. Be good or else the supreme being will punish you. Not me or my brethren.

While the religious leaders employ the passive approach, it is their followers who take action and commit violence. The preacher says, abortion is murder and is an abomination and his god will punish America and somebody should do something about it before was all are punished. "Somebody" will commit violence as an active aggression as a response to that call. Can I get a witness?

Passive aggression in the media comes with a Question Mark? Gay Marriage Causes Floods? It looks like a statement of fact but is just a motivator for the reader to get riles up and fearful. It is a question that will ultimately be answered with NO or WHO KNOWS. Lesbians Cause California Drought?

America has become a nation of Passive Aggression in more respects than is easily identified. We're putting GMOs on the shelves and refusing to label them FOR YOUR OWN GOOD. Food shoppers might make the mistake of choosing to not buy the produce when it is really okay to eat. You really need that Natural Gas to heat your home even though your drinking water becomes contaminated by fracking for it. And never mind those earthquakes, they don't mean a thing.

In order to sidestep her refusal to issue same-sex marriage licenses, Kim Davis decided to suspend ALL marriage license processing at her office.

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