Friday, May 22, 2015


"You can't argue with a twit"

There is so much important conversation that must be had in this complex and downward spiraling civilization we have. When trying to present a cogent idea and seek intelligent comment and additions all the silly buggers come out of the woodwork with their asinine and ossified opinions that surely are propagated wit the sole purpose to disrupt the dialog.

They are trolls and agitators. They hold as sacrosanct some of the most unsustainable positions on everything from a woman's right to decide for herself what is the correct medical procedures and practices to who the hell should hold a gun.

The term "Blue in the Face" was coined to describe how one gets trying to make a point, state a fact, refute an opinion when the listener is a Twit. As my sister is fond of saying, and  which is the inspiration for this blog, "You can't argue with a twit." You just can't.