Wednesday, August 5, 2015

16 Warm Wet Noses and a Horse That Sweats

Author's Note: The book cover images in the side margins of this blog are my own publications of eBooks available at both Amazon and B&N. Please take a moment and go to the sites and read about them. Then if you like it, buy one or two.
With all due regards to Jim Stafford for writing the song of that title...

There conservatively are between 16 and 24 Republican Presidential candidates who will be vying for the GOP nomination next spring. Each of them will be trying to "out conservative" the others for the support of the Fox-manufactured electorate. That electorate will be demanding that their pet candidate be as far to the right as they themselves are, but no further.

The candidates are so numerous that the "debate" sponsor, Fox News Network, had to split the population into two portions. There will be the Big-10 who will bracket Donald Trump on the main stage while the remainder will be afforded the consolation stage and a TV slot ahead of Prime Time hours.

Irrespective of which stage a candidate is on the opportunity to engage in meaningful "debate" will be next to non-existent. These 2 dozen individuals will have just about enough time to utter 2 or 3 half statements that shows the one-half of the electorate of "likely voters" just how conservative he or she is.

The half statement will consist of the part they want to the viewing public to hear while the other unspoken half is the truth about what they really support.

Here is a list of the possible statements with the (…) to indicate the dividing line in the whole statement.

I am anti-abortion and will stop them entirely by defunding any organization that provides abortions…  regardless of all the other provided health services that benefit Americans.

I am Pro-life and will stop the murder of unborn babies… but once they are breathing air, they are on their own. My responsibility stops there.

I will stop illegal immigration and send all the illegal ones back to Mexico… without regard to the fact that many of them are Honduran, Guatemalan, Nicaragua, Columbian, El Salvadoran, Ecuadoran.

I will deport the 11 million illegal immigrants… even though many of them have children who are Americans and it would take 272,727 motor coach loads to move them to the US border.

I am against taxes… even though taxation built this nation and the national infrastructure is crumbling.

I am for individual freedoms and religious liberty… unless you are black, gay, unmarried woman, poor, old, sick or disabled.

I am for repealing Social Security and Medicare… because Wall Street doesn't have a big enough hand in managing the funds and taking profits.

I am pro-Israel and support continued funding… so that they may continue their genocide of Palestinians and take the land for radical Jewish settlers.

I am for a strong US Military at home and around the world… even though its line item is the largest portion of the Federal budget.

I am for attacking Iran for their desires to build an atomic bomb… even though the new proposed treaty will curtail those ambitions.

I support fossil fuel mining and drilling because America needs energy… regardless of the environmental degradation they cause, the fact that alternative sources are fast overtaking coal, gas and oil everywhere else in the world.

I support banning GMO product labeling because it is unnecessary… due to the fact that people may not want to eat such foods.

I believe that climate change is a hoax… even though we are seeing significant changes already and it is inconvenient to the fossil fuels corporate profits.

I am against same-sex marriage because I believe it is a sin … and I find it icky even though there is no biblical prohibitions and the Constitution claims that all people will be treated equally.

I support "right to work" laws… even though that is fascist code for the ability of employers to pay less in wages and benefits.

I am against raising the Minimum Wage because it is anti-business and a job-killer… even though taxpayers subsidize all employers who pay below the poverty line to their workers. (Subsidizing businesses is okay, subsidizing people is not.)

I support the rights of everyone to possess a gun for self and family protection… even though most gun deaths are committed on one's self, a friend or family member, spouse or significant other. The fact is gun manufacturers need more sales and more customers.

... and Just Added:

I am for drug testing of Food Stamp recipients to not give taxpayer money to drug users... so that we can punish the children of low-income workers and reward the drug testing companies who need our support.

This list could go on and on but like the debate time slot, space is limited. There will be no GOP candidate that deviates from the core in such a manner that he or she stands out from the rest. Nobody will have the chutzpah to venture outside the confines of the right-wing. Well maybe except for The Donald. He will say anything he wants to say because he is in the race for the race not for the finish or the ribbon. He will be the only highlight to the evening.

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