Wednesday, August 26, 2015

50 Twits and Counting

The US Senate in 50-49 vote says that climate change is not caused by humans. Go figure. Whew! What a relief that Global Climate Change is not my fault. I will sleep easier tonight.

Senator James Inhofe (R-OK) leads the way with just one more silly bugger vote of the Republican controlled Senate. And he is the chairman of the committee on the environment. He should know better. Well he does probably know better but he is paid to vote in favor of dangerous enterprises such as the Keystone XL Pipeline.

Now that the highly indoctrinated Senate has laid down the law that humans are not the cause of Global Climate Change, they can move on to voting on what does. Some would say that it is caused by marriage equality legislation, or women's reproductive rights supporters such as Rick Santorum and Pat Robertson. Others would like to have a vote on whether women wearing skinny jeans and yoga pants in public is the true cause like the bozo in Idaho. Personally, I have thought that it was caused by Bankers constantly rubbing their palms together saying ,"Nyna ahh aah" in Snidely Whiplash fashion whilst twisting their mustaches into a curl on the ends. Yes, Bankers actually do have three hands. One for giving you a loan, one for taking your payments and the other for stroking their pens.

With this consensus-driven fact development firmly established, the Senate is ready to rule on whether the moon emits its own light, if the Earth is hollow, whether SNAFU is an acronym for "Situation Normal All Fouled Up" or "Senate Nimnodes Are Freakin' Useless."

Taking time out from doing essentially nothing constructive for the American people is a specialty of the Senate in recent sessions. They can vote on such things as: if there are three frogs sitting on a log and one decides to jump off, how many frogs are left? Or they can debate how many thumbs a man has if you call the index finger a thumb?

Since Man has thusly been absolved of causing climate change, sea level rise, the melting of glaciers, there is room to work on what to do about the impending environment change that we all can see. The chimneys are a smoking gun for where the CO2 originates. The Methane cloud hanging over the Southwestern states betrays the mining and drilling interests. The 250 million plus automobiles in the US all dumping massive amounts of petroleum fuel residue into the air adds to the mix.

While individual humans each contribute an incremental amount of CO2 and other pollutants into the environment, it is the fossil fuel industry that stands against developing and implementing better energy sources. Now that they have given humans absolution for the sins of damaging the health and safety of their brothers and sisters, the Senate needs to vote on whether corporations are causing all the trouble.

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