Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Wednesday's Twit of the Day is...

Glenn Beck. This is a man who can follow his own Yellow Brick Road from Rachel Dolezal claiming she is black to Americans being rounded up and held in internment camps and risking having our heads chopped off by the Queen of Hearts.

Not the video, I wouldn't do that to you.

Yikes, what a twit! He is unapproachable in his delusional rantings about how we are living in "Alice in Wonderland" because of liberal minded people who are worse than Islamic extremists. he did carefully avoid saying the name Obama in his most recent video spot.

The Internets will be the downfall of Western Civilization if only for the fact that anyone with a computer, an ISP and a functioning index finger or other stiff member can reach the world of pathologically pathetic people who listen to them without evaluating the absurdity of what they see and hear. It used to be that such people were busy sniffing the developer fumes of their mimeograph machines in the basement or garage while cranking out pamphlets to hand out on urban street corners to anyone who would take one.

You heard it first from Glenn folks, A white woman passing for black is paving the way for Nazis to institute the Second Coming of a Holocaust that will consume Americans. Glenn bravely announces that he wants to be on the list of people to be interned because HE is unafraid. Bravo, Mr. Beck!

If you have the stomach for it, here's the Youtube. I won't embed it so you won't have to be subjected to it unless you ARE up for the argument.

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