Sunday, June 21, 2015

Tucker Carlson Talks Like a Twit

Tucker Carlson talks like a Twit

“The president has said a number of times guns are the problem, guns cause violence,” Carlson complained. “There’s nobody in the world surrounded by more armed people than President Obama himself. I notice he’s not suggesting the people around him disarm. He wants to remain protected, but the rest of us have to go without means to self-protection.”

Nobody is surrounded by more armed people than President Obama except for EVERY resident of West Baltimore or East for THAT matter. It is the freely available hand gun that takes the lives of so many People in the US every year. The sad fact is that the vast majority of those deaths are not from armed criminals but from a friend, relative, toddler, or ones self. Except for the statistics that suicidal gun owners all too often murder one or more others prior to dropping the hammer on themselves, one would not need to worry about those shooters.

Tucker's assertion that the President's Secret Service protection team should disarm first is the most stupid suggestion I've heard this man utter in,,, oh, well... at least a month. His statements embody one of the attributes of who are Twits: They are overly free with non-sequitur statements. Also they just don't get it. For all the fire power the Secret Service allegedly has, they have not shot and killed anyone in a very long time. Even when JFK was assassinated they managed to arrest Oswald.  Sirhan Sirhan was captured alive without any bullet holes. Sara Jane Moore, Squeeky Fromme and John Hinckley, Jr. all survived their arrests with minimal bruising.

All too often the firearms manufacturers' lobbyists post a list of absurd statements that they want covered in the current news cycle and it seems that the Twits outbid each other to see who will be the one to first make the claim and who will then reinforce the message with their echo echo echo.

If any of the "conservative" ilk would ever diverge from the corporate line and suggest that this country needs any other solution to gun violence than more guns, more guns and more guns, that person might actually graduate FROM the top of their class of  Major Twits.
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