Friday, June 19, 2015

How To Tell If Someone is a Twit

Recently I was explaining to a friend the most recent blog I have been writing. "You Can't Argue With A Twit" resonated with her. She had her own ideas about twits, Twitdom, and the Twitosphere. Even then she wondered what I thought about the subject. She had loads of examples both posted in the YCAWT blog and the multitude that there is just too little time to address.

One characteristic behavior of Twits is that they couch everything that happens in the world as a direct impact on their cause celeb. For example, to Alex Jones the mediocre Internet personality tells his eager followers that every time there is some violent act by a mentally deranged white man, the act and the media coverage are all part of a False Flag conspiracy by the government to justify confiscation of guns in advance of the imposition of Martial Law. Both he and the people who listen to his conspiracies are Twits.

You know, if Alex would ever come out with anything like 'You know there are a lot of borderline nut cases out there and we law abiding Patriots need to solve the mental health issues and maybe the Government would lay off the gun legislation" he might be someone to listen to. Problem is, he can't he's a Twit.

Perennial white bread politician, Rick Santorum, cannot speak anything about the poor wanting food, houses and jobs without that actually being an attack on the America-he-knows. Every protest, law suit and law passed that recognizes the rights of any two adults to be married and enjoy the same legal rights as every other two adults is an attack on his and Christian conservatives' faith. Never does his opinion and lukewarm rhetoric ever speak of the equality that the Constitution extends to all Americans. He can't. He's a Twit.

The whole world revolves around the Twit. At least that is what they believe. Another attribute of being a Twit is that fail to recognize their own Twitness. There is a psychological aberration with a name for this condition.
"The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias wherein unskilled individuals suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their ability to be much higher than is accurate. "
The list goes on and on. Most contemporary Twits who have a national soapbox pulpit from which to rant either rant about religious persecution, how the environment is not decaying or that racism and inequality don't exist in this country anymore. Actually, there are some Twits who now claim that slaves liked being slaves, bad weather is caused by homosexual rights, and that doing violence to black AME parishioners is really an attack on "Religious Liberty." Go figure.
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