Thursday, July 2, 2015

Twits Will Say Anything For Money or Attention

Twits will say anything for money or attention. Sometimes it is both. Other times they say their silly things because they actually believe what they say and THAT itself makes them a Twit.

A case in point:

"Carbon dioxide, Mister Speaker, is a natural byproduct of nature. Carbon dioxide is natural. It occurs in Earth. It is a part of the regular lifecycle of Earth. In fact, life on planet Earth can’t even exist without carbon dioxide. So necessary is it to human life, to animal life, to plant life, to the oceans, to the vegetation that’s on the Earth, to the, to the fowl that — that flies in the air, we need to have carbon dioxide as part of the fundamental lifecycle of Earth." ~Michelle Bachmann

She might have heard Mike Adams try to make his point that CO2 in important in the production of plane material, some of which we eat, some of which we wear, and some of which we use to build houses. While Mike's ascertains are technically accurate, he doesn't discuss the negative impacts of excessive CO2 in the atmosphere such as acidification of the oceans, heat retention in the atmosphere or how accelerated plant growth might be diminishing the quality of the plant products. While bigger more colorful pansies and petunias may be valuable, the food value of corn and wheat may not experience the same benefits.

Most physical systems respond in a Bell Curve fashion. Too much or too little of something is detrimental while the middle ground levels are the better numbers.

We can use the wind as another example. Wind is natural. It is a good and necessary force of Nature. We need it to feel comfortable on a Summer day. We need it to blow the air pollution elsewhere. Too much of it is a wrecking crew, tornado and musser of new hair dos. Too little of it and we get stagnation and pollutant buildups.

Rain is the same way. Too much and we get a flood and too little and we get a drought. Just right and the crops grow and can be harvested. Only a Twit would suggest that more rain is a good thing when the ground is already saturated or inundated from previous rainfall.  The problem is we have people who seek money and attention trying to tell the tale of a Corporate agenda that wants to push the conditions represented by the Bell Curve further off the center because that is where the profits are.

Days that are too hot or too cold sells natural gas and electricity. If we were all living in that center range of the Bell, energy consumption would be lower.

Other Twit-ness for Sale and Display

When it is open season on hiring Twits just about every topic will be addressed at one time or another. During this period of time in the run-up to the 2016 Presidential election, we are getting all the Twit out before the camera and the publics' eyes. While 25 out of 26 Republican candidates will fail to get the nomination of the GOP, they still carry the messages that their sponsors hand them along with the PAC check.

Too many live births leads to a growing population. Too few live births leads to a  collapse of the population. On the average the birth rate in the world seems to be just right. It is only when one looks at a specific sub-population that worrisome trends arise that makes political sponsors fret and sweat.  Too many Hispanic babies in the USA makes whites nervous. But too few white babies also leads to the changing ratio of whose population is bigger and more influential. Consumer goods and services providers really only care about the total population which translates into gross sales. They hire politicians and pseudo-celebrity faces to tout their positions.

Gay marriages are less likely to produce numerous new consumer-babies. Many new couples have waited decades to marry and Now are not going to produce new children. Even the "child bearing/producing" aged couples are more likely to adopt an existing child rather than make a new one. This doesn't sit well with the supplier of monetized services and the plethora of consumer goods that earn revenues for the businesses.

Therefore it is no wonder that Republicans are more pro-quantity-of-life while Democrats are more pro-quality-of-life".

Donald Trump is paid to say bad things about immigrants and he gets major attention when he does. Who does he think populates the housekeeping staff at his any every other hotel in the States? I suppose that he thinks that only undocumented immigrants crossing the Mexico border bring drugs, disease and rapists to America. He uses the Twit Portion of his brain to say such ignorant things and get a spattering of applause from other Twits who like what he says.

The examples of Twits saying Twit things way too numerous to keep going here. 

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Author's Note: The book cover images in the side margins of this blog are my own publications of eBooks available at both Amazon and B&N. Please take a moment and go to the sites and read about them. Then if you like it, buy one or two.

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