Sunday, July 26, 2015

Twit of the Day: Jindal & Perry

Gov. Bobby Jindal says, "Now is not the appropriate time to discuss gun control." this came in the wake of the Lafayette, LA theater shooting that left two patrons dead and 7 more seriously wounded. Says he, this is a mental health issue. His actions deny mental health services to thousands of Louisiana residents, but to the twit there is no connection.

He claims that gun control proponents are using this tragedy for political purposes while we ought to be praying for the families of the dead and injured. IRONY ALERT: By Jindal saying this at this inopportune time, HE is using this tragedy for political purposes.

I can't argue with you, Gov., and you know why. I can however point out that will never be an "appropriate time" to discuss gun control (or people control as it rightly should be labeled) if we agree to not discuss the issue anytime within 2 days of a major shooting in this country. I can see the Congressional debate going like this.

Congressperson: "Mr. Speaker I'd like to bring up the matter of guns in the hands of mentally unstable people."
Speaker: "The Honorable Congressperson has the floor..."
Congressperson: "This matter is of utmost urgency and while it has been 49 hours since the last mass shooting in this country, I believe you would agree that the moratorium on debating this matter has expired. This matter has been put off too long, and we have kicked that can down the road many miles and..."
Speaker: "Excuse me, Congressperson, I must interrupt you at this time and ask that you reserve your remaining comments until Monday. There is a report of a shooting at the Water Park in Katchizcatcan. We must turn to prayer for the 3 adults and 5 children who have had their day spoiled by a Lone Wolf White Man with with a Glock."
Congressperson: "But... but... this debate is very important."
Speaker: "You, Sir, are out of order. It is inappropriate to speak of these thing at a time like this." 
Congressperson: "If not now, when? "
End of Story. That story. The next chapter will be written tomorrow.

Then of course there is former Texas Gov. Rick Perry who lusts after more bloodshed in theaters, schools, bars, strip malls, and churches. Arm the citizens and let them take care of the "bad guys with the guns."

The Gov. said, "I believe that, with all my heart, that if you have the citizens who are well trained, and particularly in these places that are considered to be gun-free zones, that we can stop that type of activity, or stop it before there's as many people that are impacted as what we saw in Lafayette," [emphasis added]

Perry believes that existing gun laws are sufficient to handle the problem, if they were properly enforced. he told CNN talking person. He also lowered his voice a decibel or two when he stipulated "well trained and background checked." So he does admit that to make a difference we need more laws such as "backgound checks" mandatory training and proficiency because there is no states consensus on these issues, especially in Texas.

Trained carriers who have been vetted should have the freedom to carry guns, Perry added, making it clear that laws are needed to "vett" prospective gun carriers. He like so many other gun violence apologists believe in the 2nd amendment as a right for everyone, but will not take action to stop the people who should not have one. He supports a vetting process but will not support a law to make one. For that he rises to the status of a Twit of the Day along with brother-governor Jindal. Two men sharing one brain.

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