Friday, November 6, 2015

Voted Off The Island

As the wide field of Republican Presidential candidates continues to be Yooge in the patois' of The Donald, it is shrinking. While the more vocal of the club are out and about moaning and groaning about how CNBC treated them in the third debate, at least the moderators and network executives did not exclude any of the contenders.

The initial cadre of candidates exceeded 16 where upon the debate schedulers decided that the four at the bottom of the list would stand at the children's podiums in a separate and far less equal event. Those men did not like it but it was that of nothing.

For the 4th event, two of the survivors have been voted off the island. Gov. Chris Christie and Former Gov. Mike Huckabee got the ax in that vote. Two others previously voted themselves out of the running. Rick Perry and Scott Walker bowed out with a modicum of self-respect.

So it is better to step aside or be pushed? Christie and Huckabee cannot survive being marginalized in the debates even though the poll respondents have already done that to them. My recommended debate approach has not been adopted by any TV network yet. outline the perfect format for the GOP debate.

Once the primary voting really begins, there will be a swift sword wielded to slay the vastly unworthy pretender to the throne. Quite quickly the field will be pared down to just The Two. Who they will be exactly is yet to be seen. None of the remaining candidates have shown any qualifications for the office.

The three primary job duties of the President are: Commander in Chief of the Armed Services, Economist, and Ambassador to the world. The GOP field all say some variation of "I'll use military might on Day One to settle …" "I'll repeal that legislation on Day One…" And by their personalities, they are all laughing stocks in the eyes of the world with their silly talk and biblical justifications for everything they are paid to support. They all say they love and support the Constitution but then go on to assert that they will take actions that clearly show that they know precious little about that document or how to uphold it.

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