Tuesday, October 8, 2024

You Can't Argue With a (Climate) Twit


I've been hearing a ton of crap about weather control/modification steering hurricanes into Republican voting districts. The allegation is they want to decrease voting for the Orange One. The Twits claim there is no other explanation for the largest recent hurricane developing so rapidly and penetrating inland as far as Tennessee and western parts of North Carolina. Various combinations of radar towers, 5G telecomm towers, directed energy weapons and chemtrails create the storms. Then they intensify them and drag or push them to the desired ground zero.

These are the same Twits who also assert global warming from the burning of fossil fuels and cow farts do not and cannot change the climate. Millions of tons of Carbon dioxide pumped into the air by millions of vehicles and billions of people are okay but a small number of jet aircraft can spread chemicals that intensified rainfall. Never mind that the water was already up there from some unknown cause.

We the people are not complicit in warming the air and the oceans and causing weather extremes but our sinister government is? How convenient is that? We are the victims, not the perps.