Twin Towers attack was a false flag deep state hoax," according to Ajax
Loans of the only true and accurate Internet video blog InfoWhores. There was
no attack and actually there never were Twin Towers in the first place.
According to
the theorist the fake buildings were really just hologram projections created
by a CGI team lead by legendary film maker and NASA hoaxer, Stanley Kubrics.
The NSA along with black ops units of NASA planned the fake attack shortly
after their contract for Apollo moon landing footage with Kubrics to be used
"just in case the Military Industrial Complex needed a really good excuse
to go to war with one or two Middle Eastern nations" or someone.
conspiracy was hatched by first clearing a site in lower Manhattan then 3d
filming the fake construction progress in order to fix in the minds of gullible
citizens memories of the buildings going up. After the entire film footage was
post-producted into holographic form, the only decision to be made was when to
utilize it and who to insert for blame.
evidence of legitimacy for the physical presence of the two building was provided
by crises actors who were hired to come and go daily and claim they worked in
the non-existent offices. Loans vehemently claims even though it might seem to
be a major effort, only a few actual people needed to be occasionally seen to
"establish" the fake reality.
Ajax Loans
pounded his fists on his desk saying Obama needed probable deniability that he
was not an American born Christian and ordered Hillary Clinton to use her
private email server to contact State Department assassination units to
"destroy" the building which were never there.