How ironic
that [you] use the term "inconvenient truth" when referring to your
blind support of Donald Trump. When Al Gore published his book An Inconvenient
Truth about the complicit action of humans in global climate change, he
suffered the slings and arrows of those people whose thinking is clouded by
cognitive dissonance.
Yes there
are a myriad of inconvenient truths related to Donald Trump for an educated
libtard to consider and decide to dislike. It is an inconvenient truth that
this man is a habitual liar who may not even realize he is misinforming his
voter-base. It is an inconvenient truth there are several millions of people
who believe what he says and will be devastated by the reality when it rolls up
their front lawns.
It is an
inconvenient truth Donald Trump is a self-professed sexual abuser and proud of
it as though it were a positive attribute.
It is an
inconvenient truth this man has more ties to Russian oligarch and mobs money
that he himself probably doesn't know how deep in he is.
It is an
inconvenient truth Donald appoints people to top executive positions who have
in their CV the desire to dismember and disembowel the very agency, bureau,
department they are appointed to run.
It is an
inconvenient truth any corporate who fawns over how great he is can get him to
declare policy that allows them to do damage which previous Dem and GOP
Congresses and Presidents acted on to prevent.
It is an
inconvenient truth this President insults every world leader he comes in
contact with, except Vladimir Putin. What's with THAT anyway?
It is an
inconvenient truth Trump supports candidates for their useful fool status as a
GOP vote in legislatures even though they may have reprehensible behavior
histories that rival his.
It is an
inconvenient truth Trump frames his false statements as fact while yelling
"Fake News" at everyone else.
It is an
inconvenient truth this list could go one for many pages, but I will stop here.