Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Inconvenient Truths About This Trump Guy

How ironic that [you] use the term "inconvenient truth" when referring to your blind support of Donald Trump. When Al Gore published his book An Inconvenient Truth about the complicit action of humans in global climate change, he suffered the slings and arrows of those people whose thinking is clouded by cognitive dissonance.

Yes there are a myriad of inconvenient truths related to Donald Trump for an educated libtard to consider and decide to dislike. It is an inconvenient truth that this man is a habitual liar who may not even realize he is misinforming his voter-base. It is an inconvenient truth there are several millions of people who believe what he says and will be devastated by the reality when it rolls up their front lawns.

It is an inconvenient truth Donald Trump is a self-professed sexual abuser and proud of it as though it were a positive attribute.

It is an inconvenient truth this man has more ties to Russian oligarch and mobs money that he himself probably doesn't know how deep in he is.

It is an inconvenient truth Donald appoints people to top executive positions who have in their CV the desire to dismember and disembowel the very agency, bureau, department they are appointed to run.

It is an inconvenient truth any corporate who fawns over how great he is can get him to declare policy that allows them to do damage which previous Dem and GOP Congresses and Presidents acted on to prevent.

It is an inconvenient truth this President insults every world leader he comes in contact with, except Vladimir Putin. What's with THAT anyway?

It is an inconvenient truth Trump supports candidates for their useful fool status as a GOP vote in legislatures even though they may have reprehensible behavior histories that rival his.

It is an inconvenient truth Trump frames his false statements as fact while yelling "Fake News" at everyone else.

It is an inconvenient truth this list could go one for many pages, but I will stop here.

Monday, December 4, 2017

The Cost of Medical Treatment is a Huge Part of the GDP

When the GOP Congress eliminates cancer treatments from Medicare the cancer patients stop being patients and instead become the living dead waiting to die. But there are other parties who will suffer. The pharmaceutical industry that makes the chemo drugs and the radiation therapy industry who zaps cancers for thousands of dollars per year.

It appears the GOP Congress is so bent on altering the spending patterns of the health insurance industry that they forget the money doesn't go to the medical patients but to the hugely profitable medical corporations.

When a person cannot pay large medical bills, they have the option of bankruptcy to shield at least some of their essential assets. Bankruptcy denies the medical industry payment for their services. Being corporations, they rely on the socialist principle of sharing the burden by raising the rates and prices charged to everyone else who can pay or has adequate insurance.

By cutting off people from a payment system who have expensive illnesses and conditions the Congress is denying those people that same socialist sharing of the cost burden which they grant to the recipients of payment.

Ultimately cutting a $1 trillion from the payments of medical services reduces the earnings of the medical corporations by $1 trillion.

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Don't Blame Donald Trump

Don't Blame Donald Trump

When Donald Trump began his campaign for the presidency he rightfully claimed he was not a politician, not a Beltway insider, not someone who would maintain the status quo. On these grounds he was being accurate.

Since ascending to the halls of power, he has proven those claims over and over. Not being a politician means he is not connected or beholden to a constituency to whom he is dedicated and responsive. Not being a Beltway Insider means that he has zero connections to the existing power structure in any of the three Constitutional branches of government.

Being politically tabla raza, he only has the references for correct actions which the Republican Congress and conservatively minded politicos demonstrate in the exercise of their offices. Two of the tenants of that way of thinking are "blame the victims" and "disrespect losers."

The conservative legislative attitudes are similarly manifest in recent Judiciary appointments. The blame the victim approach has become rampant in Republican legislatures and gubernatorial offices. The list is long and varied but here are a few examples.

·         People receiving public assistance are lazy and don't want to work (although many of them do.)
·         Single mothers are irresponsible by becoming pregnant even though it was a man who did the deed.
·         When a 4 year old girl is raped by an adult, she came on to him and was a willing participant.
·         When a woman is raped or molested on the street or in a public accommodation, the clothing she chose to wear caused the crime to be committed on her person.
·         Children whose parents cannot afford to provide adequate meals are takers when they want the school system to provide nutrition as well as education.
·         When a police officer beats a citizen to death or shoots an unarmed person, it was the dead person who was at fault for making the officer fearful for his life.
·         People who live next to a toxic industrial site are to blame for their cancers and other diseases because they did not move away.
·         The battered wife is the cause of her beatings by not being a good wife or by challenging the authority of her husband. Her not leaving him is also her fault.
·         A woman seeking an abortion is promiscuous and responsible for getting pregnant and must be required to carry to full term. See second item above.
·         Being homosexual is just cause for getting beaten, burned, dragged or lynched by an alleged heterosexual. Well, just because.
·         Not being able to obtain a well-paying job is one's own fault for not being skilled enough in a wildly changing labor market.

The Conservative and Republican mentality is heavily oriented on Biblical writings. God made peoples' skin brown to punish them for some ancient sin therefore, today they deserve the distain visited upon them for economic gain by others. It is their own fault for being brown and poor and disenfranchised.

Then there is the disrespect part. Poor people need to have their diets controlled via restrictions of what can be purchased with SNAP Debit Cards. They must be drug tested and pass in order to be worthy of feeding their children. Their benefits must be time limited so they do not become generationally dependent. Not only these limitation must be imposed, conservatives must vocally denounce recipients at every opportunity.

Donald Trump has far too little worldly experience to be responsive to the needs of the people of America and the world for that matter. In his world-view anyone who doesn't have everything they want is a Loser. Anyone who doesn't fit his winning-style is a Loser. He has even gone as far as saying he doesn't like Senator John McCain because he was a Vietnam POW. "I don't like people who were captured." Trump was casting McCain as a Loser.

In Trumps world asking him for something they need is a double insult in his mind. First, in the asking is the implied statement that what he has done was not enough nor was appreciated. Second, it casts the asker as a Loser.  His attack on San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz for criticizing the White House on its hurricane Maria relief efforts angered Trump in a trifecta of factors. A Hispanic female dared to say HIS efforts were subpar. In response he besmirches her leadership abilities, the competency of the PR people, and their desire to have everything done for them. Then as though punctuating his distain he made his tweeted comments from his golf club.

Her actions showed how much of a loser she was and the people of PR are in his mind. The fact that they need any supports in indicative of that status. To be fair to the man, he treats everyone that way. Well except for Caucasian Nationalists and all their ilk. They get a pass for being who they are and what they want.

Donald Trump is pulling his actions from the Fascist Dictator playbook. The mere asking for something shows you are not worthy. Pointing out racism runs against the claim there is no racism in America. Showing the world there are people in desperation in Puerto Rico is blasphemous after the dictator has said everything there is being handled in an amazing way. The death toll is a boasting point. He says providing 3,000 meals is great response when there are 3.5 million people who need a meal a day or more.

I suspect Donald Trump really believes what he is saying. He has no idea how far PR is from the mainland when he says it is an island far out and surrounded by the sea. For a man who departs and arrives at airports by jets, he has no idea about actual distances. For a man who points to items on a menu in a private club dining room, he has no idea how difficult it is to feed a family several times a day every day. This is not his fault. No one ever showed him the realities. "It is easy to hurt others when you can't feel pain."

The unfortunate part of the entire scenario is even if he does learn important lessons, they will be too late for the people who are in harm's way and he will not have the opportunity to employ those lessons a next time.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Flat Earth Irony

Flat Earth Irony 
Guest contributor, Peter Wolf

When I was in High School some friends and I formed a Flat Earth Society. We were being ironic. We also formed a Ground Zero Club to counter the propaganda surrounding the cold War and the threats of H-Bomb annihilation. While the threat was real, however unlikely, we refused to buy the doom which was being peddled by the Military-Industrial Complex who stood to make billions from making warheads and missiles and B-1 bombers to deliver the ordnance on Russia and China.

Our Flat Earth Society was fun for getting together for all-night bowling marathons and the drinking of home-made wine while tobogganing in the local golf club golf course. We made up all kinds of theories about how the world was made and what the Cosmos looked like. Mostly, our theories were based on ancient Greek philosophers and latter-day scientists who struggled to make sense of what they observed versus what the Church of England and Rome declared from reading ancient texts older than the Greeks.

It was fun to introduce a new prospect, usually a sweet young thing, to the ideas we listed as facts. The Evangelical movement of recent decades had not yet felt so threatened as to need to fight Evolution and Secular governance in the courts and every legislative body from the State level all the way down to the local School board. Religion sufficed to be indoctrinated only on the Sabbath and for a brief recitation of the Lords' Prayer before classes along with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

As the popularity of being dominated by a dogma prescribed in an ancient book decreased, so did the blowback from the Church. So much of the pre-scriptures of ancient texts is predicated on it being true, complete and infallible. Any point conceded to logic, science, and discovery necessarily meant the entire story might be fake. Take the virginity of Mary for instance. Jesus can't be their messiah and Lord of All unless Mary was virginal. The problem as the scholars see it if Mary as not a virgin then Jesus could be a mistaken identity even though everything else about the man they point to fulfills the bill.

Noah's Flood must be an absolute truth where the entire Earth (however big it is or how it is shaped) was covered in some 21.000 feet of water (in order to submerge Mt. Everest.) The theologians cannot accept the story was told by people who had no idea of seven continents not the many varied cultures who lived there. To do so admits the biblical story is limited and thereby flawed.

So this bring us up to the Flat Earth concept. One does not have a FE in modern thinking an Earth without a Master Micro Managing God who fabricate it that way. It can be construed that every Flat Earth aficionado is likewise a Creationist of the Christian variety. Unless of course he or she is a life member of the Pittsburgh Chapter of the Flat Earth Society.

The flat earth geometry is far older than the Christian theology. Ancient Greeks knew the earth to be flat and riding on the backs of elephants on backs of turtles. That is until Atlas came along.

I'd say the NASA hoax of a global Earth predates NASA by about 2,500 years.

The idea that anyone is trying to deceive humanity about the geometry of the Earth is totally hogwash.

The aborigine population of Australia have in their culture that green ants dream the world into existence and to awaken the dreamers would end the world as they know it. Other cultures have similar notions of slumbering deities bringing the world into being by their dreams. Although the Christian God does not explicitly dream this world into existence, there is an implication that he does something like that to make humans real. The purpose of this treatise is not to substantiate God or any gods, but to say that any god who had it in mind to create a world for flesh and blood creatures to dwell upon, he would not make a Rube Goldberg creation like what the FE aficionados imagine from some ancient theologians' interpretations of Biblical texts.

Meanwhile EVERY physical argument applied to why the Earth must be flat is flawed in one or more premises and logical developments, too numerous to mention here. All FE devotees are willfully ignorant of the connection between what they do see for themselves and the globe that willfully refuse to acknowledge.

Comment below to enter into erstwhile discussion if you dare.

Saturday, January 28, 2017


It is far passed time to stop giving the new President, Donald Trump, free coverage for the insanity that he is exhibiting. He has set the stage for trying to get the American public to stop listening to the legitimate Press who refuse to blindly go along with all of the wild agenda items he is implementing.

Instead of reporting that "Trump said this or said that, did this or did that..." the media must concentrate on that which he did. "Steve Bannon says media should keep its mouth shut." "Sean Spicer repeats lies which are told to him." "EPA and other federal entities are muzzled by Executive Orders." "Gag order on FDA information endangers Americans health and safety." "EPA shackled by funding cuts and demands to have all scientific reports vetted by Republican Congress."

All of these types of reporting leave the current President out of the picture. He doesn't need any more coverage than he can obtain by tweeting his opinions and claims of being victimized by dishonest press reporting. The lies are only the smoke and mirrors to divert out attention from the actions he is taking without dissent. Congress is not standing up to the man because he is furthering THEIR hopes and goals. He is acting like a "one man wrecking crew."

Even if he is eventually deposed before the 2020 elections, he will have stripped more of the social policy, most of the environmental protections and all of the safeguards which have been put in place since the 1920s. Using the excuse of a need for security he is using collective fear to curtail dissent by striking out at a few of the first adopters of protest.

The people who voted for the man are probably lost to any counter attacks against him. The opposition needs only to point out the results and impacts of his decisions and policies. After all you can't insult a racist by calling him a racist, nor a Fascist by calling him a Fascist. In both cases the label is a badge of honor. But stopping the label making and concentrating on the outcomes of the bad decisions give people the opportunity to get behind the new message. We need to stop characterizing his as a twit even though and especially You Can't Argue With a Twit.

Friday, January 6, 2017

RealInterestConflict Problem

Here is the #realInterestConflict problem we are going to have.

Joint Chiefs of Staff: "Mr. President, we spent $150 million and engaged 312 covert personnel to ascertain what the Russian motives are in Poland. We are advising you of the buildup of assets, personnel and munitions within 5 miles of Poland's border. Our best assessment is that Russian forces are poised to move across the border and retake Poland as a Russian Territory."

New POTUS: "Hold on right there. There is no such thing happening. No one knows exactly whose troops they are and to what state they belong. They could be ISIS, they could be Syrian Refugees. Nobody really knows until we figure out what is going on there."

JCS: "But Mr. President, we do know what is going on. We can see in in the satellites imagery...."

New POTUS: "You're telling me you can determine Russian intentions from a satellite. I think not. Really, I don't think. I don't have to since I have the greatest business sense of anybody in this room. I can pick up the phone and call V. Putin and just ask him. He and I have the bestest relationship. He will tell me the truth without all the political maneuvering like I see in these failed meetings. MY sources tell me that the Russians are merely moving to Summer quarters."

JCS: "Mr. President. This nation depends heavily on our professional assessments of geopolitical threats."

New POTUS: "Look Gentlemen, all I have to do is Tweet out what I think and the people of this country will see how great my mind is and what I think. They will come together and tell YOU what is going on. Even my son, here, knows more about Russian intentions than all the satellites you wasted billions on. Tell them, Barron."

FLBOTUS: "Well, I..."

New POTUS: "See what I mean? He is a yuge asset to my oligarchy".

Seriously now, the foregoing highly realistic "Fictional" account only touches the Dip of the Iceberg. Getting and using information from unknown sources, intuition and known foreign parties is a formula for disaster. Expressing opinion as fact through insecure channels invites the Principle of Imminent Collapse to manifest a failure. A nudge will be all it takes to initiate.

P-E T has 18.8 million followers on Twitter. Many of them are quick to react to whatever they read. Since P-E T has the reputation of saying incendiary things at odd-hours of the night, how difficult would it be for any state sponsored hackers to co-opt the feed and make the world believe the President of the United States said this or said that? In conjunction with the wildfire nature of these messages, the damage will be done before the Secretary of Walking Things Back, Kellyanne, can say what was really said, or not said as the case may be.

In this flash-point world we live in, sparking matches and flipping them toward a bucket of gasoline is utter madness. Yeah, most of them will be extinguished, but don't try this at home, or abroad for that matter. And please never try it on Twitter.