It used to be that a person held a series of ideals and voted for candidate who held similar ideals. When that candidate was a Republican, the voter also self-identified as a Republican. The same applied to Democratic candidates and voters. Then something happened.
That which happened was a switch to a strategic to idea that candidates must run against the proper opponent. There is no purpose in running as a Republican in a 90% or greater Democratic district. One may contend for the office as a second or third same party candidate by checking the party box on the candidate registration form. Hence forward the candidate is what he checked.
When the Republican Presidential candidates came out in support of County clerk Kim Davis, it was just expected that she was a Republican too. But surprise, surprise she was a registered Democrat. The RWNJ reveled in their glee that everyone believed her to be an R. It WAS only natural to believe so. Similarly, it is also natural to understand her switching party at this opportune moment.
Remember now, all one has to do is say the words: I'm a Republican. Then you get a document that has you party affiliation on it for when you go to vote or register as a candidate for a job that is filled by election. It works the same way for being a Christian.
Now there are Republicans and there are republicans. Most of them are true to their dogmas and there is no mistaking their position in that their affiliation is backed up by their words and deeds. It works the same way for BEING a Christian.
American politics and religion has zero provisions for banishing a person from the flock. You are who you say you are and it is up to the journalists, bloggers and media to argue about your true colors.
Never before in American Mass Media has a person been heaped upon with praise and accolades for switching political parties. Ms. Davis is the Poster Clerk in a battle of wits for which she is unarmed. The Far-right Christian Conservatives are holding up her arms in a gesture of victory to the unauthorized tune of "Eye of the Tiger" to add gravitas to their anti-civil rights attitudes that would deny two adults the permission to be married in a secular fashion, in one podunk county of Kentucky.
Now is the time of catharses, the venting of pent up hostilities. Now is the time for little people (and I don't mean people of short stature) to get their 2¢ in to the national dialog. The other person who is getting Americans to vent their spleens is Donald Trump. He may be a DINO too, but who really knows at this date. What matters is only the persons' staying power. Kim Davis is likely to do a second stint in Federal custody for serial acts of contempt of court. Donald must be able to hold on to his angry bigoted persona and Republicans must be willing to continue to listen to him and vent their anger. But when it comes time to cast votes, Americans' true colors will be on display.
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