He has been a great listener, a listener to all the rhetoric that his competitors have already spoken. Without a platform of his own, he has been able to cobble together the "one part this" and "two parts that" to woo successively more single issue voter constituencies. While the likes of Rick Santorum says "gays are sinners", Mr. Trump yells it from his pulpit and associated them with Mexicans who have come to america to vote against Republicans and get all the good jobs, welfare and rape everyone.
He has tapped into the angers, fears and bigotry of dozens of small groups of voters who of course poll in favor of the man who will not be either a status quo Republican or Democrat. Even his threat to run as an Independent has garnered yet another following. This is the man who is a threat to every other GOP candidate because to the electorate he sounds like their second choice man yet far noisier and profane. The louder her speaks and the more profane he becomes, the better they like him.
The stable of Republican horses is screwed either way. If he gets the GOP nomination (which I seriously believe they will deny to him) or he actually does run Independent, they will have to contend with his power to split the votes. His favor is only in the eyes of "likely Republican voters" not in the eyes of Democrats. There may be a few Democrats in the poll numbers, but they are not significant.
His staying power is all that is in question. When will he jump the shark overstepping some unseen line or reaching around and grabbing the wrong issue? Today he is yet another reality TV show pandering to the least educated population of Americans like did Duck Dynasty, Honey Boo Boo, and the Duggar Clan. Back in the 1960s the Smothers Brothers though wildly popular have the distinction of having been cancelled from all three big networks of the time.
Donald jumped in early to capitalize on the front side of the rising tide of notoriety. But sometimes that early entry just means an early exit too. He has to maintain his signature level of crazy for about 9 months to see if he will be nominated. Then he has a total of 16 months to keep it up until November of 2016. That will be a formidable task regardless of campaign and personal money to spend.
with his less than stellar attention span, I doubt that he will remain a front runner although he will do a lot of damage by his mere presence. He is showing Americans and the world who we are and who our Republican legislators are and what they stand for. That is not a pretty picture.
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