Saturday, June 27, 2015

For Sunday, June 28, 2015 the TOD is (drum roll) Jim Inhofe!

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), a leading Senate conservative, today made the following statement about the Supreme Court’s decision on same-sex marriage.
“I am disappointed by today’s Supreme Court decision. My position on this issue is clear and has not changed. It is unfortunate that the Court took it upon itself to decide for the people what was being appropriately debated and decided in the states through the democratic process.”   Imhofe website.

For Sunday, June 28, 2015 the TOD is (drum roll) Jim Inhofe!

His comment that marriage rights are "appropriately debated and decided in the states through the democratic process" is a statement that only a Twit can understand. This is equivalent to a state legislature voting to decide that people of a national heritage, genetic background, or religious persuasion are property and can be bought, sold, and worked to death. It is the same as those representative bodies debating and voting to incarcerate a person for not swearing allegiance to the flag or for not believing in a god.

His belief that it is appropriate to allow common rights to people on one side of a street to be granted that is denied on the other side. Yes, there are places where streets form state boundaries. There are just some aspects of human existence that no matter how long the right has not been recognized or has been actively denied, it is inappropriate to continue even for a day to fail to recognize the right.

Let's look at a Constitution right that the Supreme Court ruled on that flies in the face of EVERY human being. Corporations are people in the sense that they have rights to free speech and religious faith that can inform who they do business with and what benefits they provide to their employees. I personally think this is a travesty of Justices but for now it is the law of the land. Supreme Court Justices are not immune from Twit-like decisions. One can only hope that a future Congress will act to undo that damage as well as other corporation-friendly rulings that injure humans.

You know, there are just some aspects of human society that can't be legislated at a geographical level. Unfortunately, the United Stated, no matter how much it wishes it to be true, cannot legislate beyond its own borders. However, within them they can be consistent.

Feeble Symbolic Resistance

The romantic notion of the lone crusader standing up to incredible odds is a common one in the American zeitgeist as well as literature and folk stories through the centuries. When David met Goliath on the battle field and slew the giant with a single slingshot stone to the forehead, he set in motion that notion that with god on your side everything is possible. The truth is David was more lucky than good because far more earnest champions have been crushed by their opposition than ever were victorious. Far more heroes have gone down in flames and were immortalized by their sacrifice than by their rise to prominence.

There are forces of social change that bring great good and those that bring great evils. There are those forces that depending on who you are and what you believe are either good or evil in your own mind. The relative good or evil of some forces of change can be debated ad naseum without there being a satisfactory solution or reconciliation of the positional camps.

In the days of the American Revolution and separation from England, there were those people who felt that such an undertaking was a terribly bad thing to do. There were loyalist to the Crown who at the outset might have been heroes, but were hanged for their actions and positions.

The American Civil War likewise had its heroes and traitors who were rewarded or executed, respectively. In both of these wars there was a change of the tide toward the new social order that would be carried forward into our Present. Those people who embraced the change prospered by it and those who stood fast against the change were buried under it. Our own Nathan Hale regretted that he "had but one life to give for his country." He gave it at the end of a rope. He was however on the "right" side of history and counted as a hero.

Patrick Henry is variously credited with saying some version of "give me liberty or give me death" to motivate Virginia to commit troops in the Revolutionary War. While the stature of these men has grown over the centuries, they were but ordinary men in their time.

Today we must endure the rhetoric of men who would like to be great leaders except that they are on the wrong side of what will become history in short order.

There is a tidal surge of support for the social changes that are manifest in our time. The upheld Affordable Care Act and the marriage equality rulings of the Supreme Court are but two such components of the wave that is sweeping over America. Anyone one who tries to stand that tide will be washed away by it and relegated to posterity as a fool who thought he was wise.

A generation ago Governor George Wallace defied the Civil Rights Act and desegregation of his state and in a largely symbolic stance, stood in the doorway at the University of Alabama in 1963 to keep it segregated. Later in his life he renounced his racial segregation position even though he was on the wrong side of change in 1963.

In our time a dozen or so republican candidate hopefuls each make their feeble stand against the overwhelming tide to assert their beliefs for inequality much like Governor Wallace did 52 years ago. However on the stage today there is no symbolic university doorway in which to make the stand. Back then National Guard troops could escort black students into newly desegregated schools and arrest any man or woman who stood in the way.

Today governors can only issue lame proclamations that municipal employees should not process same-sex marriage licenses and they can refuse to set up the necessary health insurance programs that would provide a semblance of equity in access to health care by low wage and unemployed citizens. While these governors are acting like Twits and are attempting to turn back the tide, there is no geographic location at which the Federal government can send troops.

Health care signups are more virtual and can be accomplished anywhere there is Internet access and a computer. Every county has an office where a marriage license may be obtained, so no governor is capable of performing a Wallace-esque stand your ground act. All further disputes about access to health care sign up or marriage license issuance will be handled in the courts with no armed military necessary. The collective Twit universe will ultimately fail to stop what has begun.

The ramblings of such Twits as Mike Huckabee, Bobby Jindal, Ted Cruz, Rick Perry, Rand Paul et al to stand in the way of implementing the policies which the Supreme Court has upheld are one the acts of Twits. They will lose in the end, but will do a huge amount of damage to the integrity of the nation. They will divide people and keep them in their own cohorts in such a manner that they cannot act in concert on any socially beneficial legislation. Even the nay-saying Justices each wrote a minority opinion that serves to entrench the divisions among segments of the American people.

The dispute over marriage equality is not yet over, and will drag on probably for decades. To many people the American Civil War is still not over until the South rises again. The disagreement concerning Civil Rights, disability rights, desegregation, and the integration of school is still being waged these 52 years later.

As long as there are politicians and pseudo-celebrity personalities stoking the fires there will be twit-followers who talk up the rhetoric and carry it forward in relay-race fashion for yet another generation.

Actually all this resistance to the Affordable Care Act (aka ObamaCare) will serve to be the leading force of change that will eventually become a Single-payer Health Care system rather than the medical insurance industry it has become.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Extra Edition - Twit of the Day

Extra Edition - Twit of the Day

Texas Gov. Abbott has no idea what "religious liberty" is. Religious liberty is not being tied to a stake and being burned because your dogma differs from the man with the torch. Religious liberty is being able to choose which god you think will destroy the world if you allow other people to choose their own mores, customs and rituals. Religious liberty is NOT persecuting those others due to your own fears. Religious liberties are NOT something you practice yourself but deny to others. Religious liberties are not trumped by civil rights that are granted by the Constitution of the United States and are duly interpreted by (presently) nine appointed Justices that are confirmed by the elected Congress of the United States.

Gov. Greg Abbott is a Twit among other more legalese defined criminal types, for example Sedition-ist. He has come out openly to say that he will order other Americans to defy the Federal government and the Constitution.

The echo machine is already trying to besmirch the Supreme Court by labeling them "Imperialist".

Right-wing Conservatives liken their distaste for same-sex marriage to such things as the Holocaust, the reign of Joseph Stalin, and Hitler. They love playing the victim. They think that if they are flailing someone with a stick and that person strikes back it is an attack of their faith. For the government to tall them that beating people with stick is not allowed, THAT is an attack on their religious liberties since they have been beating people with sticks for centuries.

Now today when the Supreme Court says that no state in the Union may abridge the rights of any two adults to be married and benefit from all the rights and responsibilities that any two other adults may
enjoy, THAT is an attack on their traditional hatreds of people who don't believe as they do. Marriage has always been a duality in Western civilization. There is a religious and spiritual facet and there is a legal facet.

The legal facets of marriage confer rights of inheritance, parental rights, property rights, surviving spouse Social Security rights, pension rights, and health insurance and life insurance beneficiary rights. These are all the rights that Gov. Abbott would deny to the at least one-half of every same-sex marriage couple. Now THAT would be denying equal protection under the law.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Tucker Carlson Talks Like a Twit

Tucker Carlson talks like a Twit

“The president has said a number of times guns are the problem, guns cause violence,” Carlson complained. “There’s nobody in the world surrounded by more armed people than President Obama himself. I notice he’s not suggesting the people around him disarm. He wants to remain protected, but the rest of us have to go without means to self-protection.”

Nobody is surrounded by more armed people than President Obama except for EVERY resident of West Baltimore or East for THAT matter. It is the freely available hand gun that takes the lives of so many People in the US every year. The sad fact is that the vast majority of those deaths are not from armed criminals but from a friend, relative, toddler, or ones self. Except for the statistics that suicidal gun owners all too often murder one or more others prior to dropping the hammer on themselves, one would not need to worry about those shooters.

Tucker's assertion that the President's Secret Service protection team should disarm first is the most stupid suggestion I've heard this man utter in,,, oh, well... at least a month. His statements embody one of the attributes of who are Twits: They are overly free with non-sequitur statements. Also they just don't get it. For all the fire power the Secret Service allegedly has, they have not shot and killed anyone in a very long time. Even when JFK was assassinated they managed to arrest Oswald.  Sirhan Sirhan was captured alive without any bullet holes. Sara Jane Moore, Squeeky Fromme and John Hinckley, Jr. all survived their arrests with minimal bruising.

All too often the firearms manufacturers' lobbyists post a list of absurd statements that they want covered in the current news cycle and it seems that the Twits outbid each other to see who will be the one to first make the claim and who will then reinforce the message with their echo echo echo.

If any of the "conservative" ilk would ever diverge from the corporate line and suggest that this country needs any other solution to gun violence than more guns, more guns and more guns, that person might actually graduate FROM the top of their class of  Major Twits.
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Who is Twit of the Day for Saturday?

I sense a pattern developing here. Maybe that is due to my selection of what to write about or maybe it is due to the preponderance of religion-based ignorant sermons being given by a small selection of twits who also happen to have a pulpit from which to spew. The pattern, obviously, is that many of the recent You Can't Argue With a Twit blog postings involve people who say the darnedest things in the name of god. God floods Texas due to same-sex marriage. God sends tornadoes to Oklahoma because of abortion. The drought in California is god's way of telling us that the Minimum Wage is already to high for business owners to pay.

When the perpetrators of such lunacy are benign they can be marginalized for what they are. However, when they engage in calls for violence and death, they cross that line for expression of opinion to that of a "call to action."

The senior pastor of the Brainerd Baptist Church in Chattanooga, Tennessee, Robby Gallaty, has called for the summary execution of homosexuals as being a requirement of the word of his god. As he speaks to his megacongregation he uses the commanding word "must" rather than "may" or "should". These latter works would leave open the absolute necessity for the action otherwise required by "must." While most of the congregation is probably level headed enough to not go out and act on their own to take human lives over sexual acts between consenting adults, all it takes is one. It take one immature mind who has access to a gun or a book of matches to act upon the Pastor Gallaty's 11th Commandment. While a faithful Christian would say that Robby is only following divine law, there is a difference.

Gallaty asserts that all sin is equally bad in the sight of god, but Gallaty is not invoking death for Gluttony, Adultery, Fornication, Covetousness, or any of the other transgressions of the flesh such as a woman not being virgin when getting getting married.

His status as Twit of The Day stems from that deliberate selectivity of capital punishment for committing the one sin he believes is worthy of god's terrible swift sword. Man-up Pastor, cite all the sins of the Bible that your god has deemed worthy of death. Bet you can't do it.

Friday, June 19, 2015

How To Tell If Someone is a Twit

Recently I was explaining to a friend the most recent blog I have been writing. "You Can't Argue With A Twit" resonated with her. She had her own ideas about twits, Twitdom, and the Twitosphere. Even then she wondered what I thought about the subject. She had loads of examples both posted in the YCAWT blog and the multitude that there is just too little time to address.

One characteristic behavior of Twits is that they couch everything that happens in the world as a direct impact on their cause celeb. For example, to Alex Jones the mediocre Internet personality tells his eager followers that every time there is some violent act by a mentally deranged white man, the act and the media coverage are all part of a False Flag conspiracy by the government to justify confiscation of guns in advance of the imposition of Martial Law. Both he and the people who listen to his conspiracies are Twits.

You know, if Alex would ever come out with anything like 'You know there are a lot of borderline nut cases out there and we law abiding Patriots need to solve the mental health issues and maybe the Government would lay off the gun legislation" he might be someone to listen to. Problem is, he can't he's a Twit.

Perennial white bread politician, Rick Santorum, cannot speak anything about the poor wanting food, houses and jobs without that actually being an attack on the America-he-knows. Every protest, law suit and law passed that recognizes the rights of any two adults to be married and enjoy the same legal rights as every other two adults is an attack on his and Christian conservatives' faith. Never does his opinion and lukewarm rhetoric ever speak of the equality that the Constitution extends to all Americans. He can't. He's a Twit.

The whole world revolves around the Twit. At least that is what they believe. Another attribute of being a Twit is that fail to recognize their own Twitness. There is a psychological aberration with a name for this condition.
"The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias wherein unskilled individuals suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their ability to be much higher than is accurate. "
The list goes on and on. Most contemporary Twits who have a national soapbox pulpit from which to rant either rant about religious persecution, how the environment is not decaying or that racism and inequality don't exist in this country anymore. Actually, there are some Twits who now claim that slaves liked being slaves, bad weather is caused by homosexual rights, and that doing violence to black AME parishioners is really an attack on "Religious Liberty." Go figure.
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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Wednesday's Twit of the Day is...

Glenn Beck. This is a man who can follow his own Yellow Brick Road from Rachel Dolezal claiming she is black to Americans being rounded up and held in internment camps and risking having our heads chopped off by the Queen of Hearts.

Not the video, I wouldn't do that to you.

Yikes, what a twit! He is unapproachable in his delusional rantings about how we are living in "Alice in Wonderland" because of liberal minded people who are worse than Islamic extremists. he did carefully avoid saying the name Obama in his most recent video spot.

The Internets will be the downfall of Western Civilization if only for the fact that anyone with a computer, an ISP and a functioning index finger or other stiff member can reach the world of pathologically pathetic people who listen to them without evaluating the absurdity of what they see and hear. It used to be that such people were busy sniffing the developer fumes of their mimeograph machines in the basement or garage while cranking out pamphlets to hand out on urban street corners to anyone who would take one.

You heard it first from Glenn folks, A white woman passing for black is paving the way for Nazis to institute the Second Coming of a Holocaust that will consume Americans. Glenn bravely announces that he wants to be on the list of people to be interned because HE is unafraid. Bravo, Mr. Beck!

If you have the stomach for it, here's the Youtube. I won't embed it so you won't have to be subjected to it unless you ARE up for the argument.