Monday, November 23, 2015
TOTD for Syrian Refugee Paranoia
They are telling Americans that these refugees are dangerous, or better yet "might be dangerous" and must be kept out of their states in order to protect us from the extremism which is alleged to be in each and every one of them. The extremists are really the GOP governors and the candidates who want to force refugees to be wear tags that label them, refuse them food, medical care and shelter in the GOP led states.
It is the Federal government who will decide which refugees and how many will be resettled here in the States. While there may be a couple of extremist refugees in among the huddled masses yearning to breathe free, we already have hundreds of thousands of extremist terrorizing people already here in the US and nobody seems concerned about them. They are Americans, born here of American parents and grandparents. They are unprincipled and undocumented gun owners, who take the lives of over 30,000 people every years in the US. Where is the GOP Governor or GOP Presidential candidate who want to beat the war drum about them?
All the rhetoric and vitriol spewed by these "good conservative" possibly Christian politicians is focused on pleasing their respective electorates for election and re-election. The claims of threats and danger from refugees is a Red Herring to divert our attention from the real purpose, elected office. It is fear mongering, pure and simple.
Once a refugee has walked a thousand miles to interim safety and passes the 18 to 24 month investigative vetting process of the US Government, he, she and their families are allowed to arrive in the USA. From that point they can travel to any state that choose, if they have the funds to do so. Therefore, Governor Abbott's (R-TX) can say and do anything he wants to to make life difficult for people seeking safety and a stable future, but they will come anyway.
The refusees [sic] of the GOP are human beings no different than the rest of us. And while there is a "bad apple" in most every barrel, the numbers are minuscule compared to the vast majority of earnest people.
For all their ignorance and hype, the entire GOP presidential cadre and all but one GOP Governor get the Twit of the Day award.
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Friday, November 6, 2015
Voted Off The Island
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Monday, October 12, 2015
Columbus Day Revisited
When two people start out at opposite ends of the forest and traipse around until the come face-to-face, it is only a matter of perspective as for who discovered whom. Even as Christopher Columbus sailed home to Europe to proclaim his discovery of the New World to Queen Isabella of Spain, the indigenous people whom he met spread the work of their discovery of some really weird people who talked gibberish and wore metal and leather clothes. The chroniclers of the times were far more prolific in the written languages of Europe than were the indigenous peoples who resided on the lands that were summarily claimed by European Crowns.
There will be stubbornly defensive support for keeping the holiday just as it is. But there are any number of historical figures who would not be welcome as a hero of the American people. We don't glorify them either.
Sunday, September 27, 2015
Just Check-off Your Preference
It used to be that a person held a series of ideals and voted for candidate who held similar ideals. When that candidate was a Republican, the voter also self-identified as a Republican. The same applied to Democratic candidates and voters. Then something happened.
That which happened was a switch to a strategic to idea that candidates must run against the proper opponent. There is no purpose in running as a Republican in a 90% or greater Democratic district. One may contend for the office as a second or third same party candidate by checking the party box on the candidate registration form. Hence forward the candidate is what he checked.
When the Republican Presidential candidates came out in support of County clerk Kim Davis, it was just expected that she was a Republican too. But surprise, surprise she was a registered Democrat. The RWNJ reveled in their glee that everyone believed her to be an R. It WAS only natural to believe so. Similarly, it is also natural to understand her switching party at this opportune moment.
Remember now, all one has to do is say the words: I'm a Republican. Then you get a document that has you party affiliation on it for when you go to vote or register as a candidate for a job that is filled by election. It works the same way for being a Christian.
Now there are Republicans and there are republicans. Most of them are true to their dogmas and there is no mistaking their position in that their affiliation is backed up by their words and deeds. It works the same way for BEING a Christian.
American politics and religion has zero provisions for banishing a person from the flock. You are who you say you are and it is up to the journalists, bloggers and media to argue about your true colors.
Never before in American Mass Media has a person been heaped upon with praise and accolades for switching political parties. Ms. Davis is the Poster Clerk in a battle of wits for which she is unarmed. The Far-right Christian Conservatives are holding up her arms in a gesture of victory to the unauthorized tune of "Eye of the Tiger" to add gravitas to their anti-civil rights attitudes that would deny two adults the permission to be married in a secular fashion, in one podunk county of Kentucky.
Now is the time of catharses, the venting of pent up hostilities. Now is the time for little people (and I don't mean people of short stature) to get their 2¢ in to the national dialog. The other person who is getting Americans to vent their spleens is Donald Trump. He may be a DINO too, but who really knows at this date. What matters is only the persons' staying power. Kim Davis is likely to do a second stint in Federal custody for serial acts of contempt of court. Donald must be able to hold on to his angry bigoted persona and Republicans must be willing to continue to listen to him and vent their anger. But when it comes time to cast votes, Americans' true colors will be on display.
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Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Passive Aggressive Bureaucrats
Ms. Davis' futile efforts have reached all the way to the US Supreme Court in her efforts to continue to deny marriage licenses to same-sex couples in violation of both Federal Law and Federal court rulings. On September 3, she must report to the Federal court to answer for why she should not be held in contempt of the court. Her spurious claims are a "matter of deep Christian faith." Her interpretation of Biblical writings is that she would be complicit in a mortal sin if she signs the documents facilitating a same-sex union between two adults.
What the judge on Thursday ought to say is this: "Ms. Davis are you going to comply with the orders of this court?"
"No, your Honor."
"Ms. Davis, I hold you in contempt of this court and remand you to jail until you choose to comply or are able to meet this further condition. Ms. Davis, take this Bible and these sticky notes and mark all of the passages that make reference to marriage, and marriage. Once you have completed that task contact the jailer and he will contact me. When you have identified a passage, any passage that states that an officiant of a marriage of any Biblical type or any person who provides written documentation has committed a sin of any magnitude, you may return to this court to present your findings. Until then the Bailiff shall escort you to your cell."
"But, your Honor, God told me it was a mortal in and I would go to Hell if I sign the papers."
"Show me the Biblical source of your contentions and I will listen. Ms. Davis, what you say that God talked to you about is hearsay and is inadmissible in this court. Bailiff."
Meanwhile, Kim Davis continues to stand behind her alleged faith and the counter in her public office and refuse to recognize the rights of the men and women who come to that office for a routine piece of paper with an official signature.
Another woman many years ago was a passive aggressive bureaucrat in the character of Nurse Ratched who was portrayed to chilling perfection by Louise Fletcher in "One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest." She made up her rules and forced everyone to comply. Resistance was futile and most of the patients in the ward just complied rather than try to make a stand. Murphy tried and he paid the price. The difference is that in the hospital ward there was no media, no Federal judges, no public outcry against Nurse Ratched. Kim Davis will have to contend with that trinity.
Irony Update:
The Guardian reports on September 2, that:
"A transgender man and his wife were issued a marriage license in February by the Kentucky county clerk who, in defiance of a US supreme court order, cited “God’s authority” this week as reason to deny paperwork to same-sex couples."It appears that Kim Davis is going to Hell after all. Either her god neglected to inform her of this sin or she willfully neglected to abide by her own espoused faith. She might as well call it quits and get it over with.
Judicial Update Sept 3:
U.S. District Judge David Bunning jailed Kim Davis for contempt for her continued refusal to comply with the Supreme Court ruling. At this point it is not relevant what the issue is, she has made it a matter of the court's authority versus her personal opinion. As a peripheral issue her staff claimed they would be willing to issue marriage licenses to everyone who applies except that they worked in fear of Ms. Davis' authority. I suppose we will now see how compliant her staff is in this matter.
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Sunday, August 30, 2015
American Conservatism is Passive Aggressive
The entire conflict arises when a person or group of people decide that they can ignore the laws and statutes of America, the States and local jurisdictions. They decide to exercise that freedom, right or alleged right in an in-your-face fashion. Such is the strategy of the Open-carry Movement.
The men and a few women dress up in their Saturday best outfits and don the fashion accessories that are capable of killing many people in a matter of seconds. They sling their AK-47s and AR-15s over their backs and strap on a 9mm handgun just for good balance. Why? Because they can.
There has never in the USA been a situation where a highly armed individual saved his own life or others with such weaponry as the ready. On the other hand, there have been numerous incidents where such people are the perpetrators of such carnage. The are passive aggressively rubbing everyone's noses in their "2nd Amendment Right" to bear arms. They stand in checking lines at the big-box stores, Krogers, Eat'n'Park using their body language to silently shout, 'Here I am exercising MY rights while NOT threatening you in any way." This behavior is very similar to a child pointing his finger in his younger sibling's face and saying, "Here is me NOT touching you," after mother says, "stop touching your brother." Passive aggressiveness to the MAX.
In Kentucky, elected County Clerk, Kim Davis, has decided that she can refuse to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples who walk up to HER counter and expect to be served like any other couple seeking to be married. She has taken it upon herself to maintain that refusal even in light of a Federal Judge's order.
"Rowan County Chief Clerk Kim Davis' lawyers filed an emergency appeal late Friday asking the Court to grant "asylum for her conscience" and allow her to continue to deny marriage licenses to same-sex couples," according to The Associated Press.
Kim continues to claim a superior position to the applicants who seek to use their tax-paid services that Rowan County provides. Kim is in the power position to unilaterally deny the licenses because she is the only person in that county that can sign the license. And she knows it.
In defense of her alleged rights, "Davis has suggested that same-sex couples can either go to a neighboring county or seek the signature of a different Rowan County official. She has also suggested that the state could change the law about marriage license signatures, removing the requirement that she sign her name to couples she finds sinful. The lower-court judge has rejected all three arguments."
In particular alleged Christian Conservatives have employed the passive aggressive approach in many instances. Christian prayer in public schools has been litigated over and over while the proponents say that their children are being denied their religious freedom to pray publicly in the schools. they imply that their god treats everyone poorly because of his exclusion. This is textbook example of the way religions prey. Be good or else the supreme being will punish you. Not me or my brethren.
While the religious leaders employ the passive approach, it is their followers who take action and commit violence. The preacher says, abortion is murder and is an abomination and his god will punish America and somebody should do something about it before was all are punished. "Somebody" will commit violence as an active aggression as a response to that call. Can I get a witness?
America has become a nation of Passive Aggression in more respects than is easily identified. We're putting GMOs on the shelves and refusing to label them FOR YOUR OWN GOOD. Food shoppers might make the mistake of choosing to not buy the produce when it is really okay to eat. You really need that Natural Gas to heat your home even though your drinking water becomes contaminated by fracking for it. And never mind those earthquakes, they don't mean a thing.
In order to sidestep her refusal to issue same-sex marriage licenses, Kim Davis decided to suspend ALL marriage license processing at her office.
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Wednesday, August 26, 2015
50 Twits and Counting
Senator James Inhofe (R-OK) leads the way with just one more silly bugger vote of the Republican controlled Senate. And he is the chairman of the committee on the environment. He should know better. Well he does probably know better but he is paid to vote in favor of dangerous enterprises such as the Keystone XL Pipeline.
Now that the highly indoctrinated Senate has laid down the law that humans are not the cause of Global Climate Change, they can move on to voting on what does. Some would say that it is caused by marriage equality legislation, or women's reproductive rights supporters such as Rick Santorum and Pat Robertson. Others would like to have a vote on whether women wearing skinny jeans and yoga pants in public is the true cause like the bozo in Idaho. Personally, I have thought that it was caused by Bankers constantly rubbing their palms together saying ,"Nyna ahh aah" in Snidely Whiplash fashion whilst twisting their mustaches into a curl on the ends. Yes, Bankers actually do have three hands. One for giving you a loan, one for taking your payments and the other for stroking their pens.
With this consensus-driven fact development firmly established, the Senate is ready to rule on whether the moon emits its own light, if the Earth is hollow, whether SNAFU is an acronym for "Situation Normal All Fouled Up" or "Senate Nimnodes Are Freakin' Useless."
Taking time out from doing essentially nothing constructive for the American people is a specialty of the Senate in recent sessions. They can vote on such things as: if there are three frogs sitting on a log and one decides to jump off, how many frogs are left? Or they can debate how many thumbs a man has if you call the index finger a thumb?
Since Man has thusly been absolved of causing climate change, sea level rise, the melting of glaciers, there is room to work on what to do about the impending environment change that we all can see. The chimneys are a smoking gun for where the CO2 originates. The Methane cloud hanging over the Southwestern states betrays the mining and drilling interests. The 250 million plus automobiles in the US all dumping massive amounts of petroleum fuel residue into the air adds to the mix.
While individual humans each contribute an incremental amount of CO2 and other pollutants into the environment, it is the fossil fuel industry that stands against developing and implementing better energy sources. Now that they have given humans absolution for the sins of damaging the health and safety of their brothers and sisters, the Senate needs to vote on whether corporations are causing all the trouble.
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Friday, August 21, 2015
Twit of the Week, Ben Carson
The focus is part of his (Ben's) effort to overhaul the EPA, for which he plans a new mission statement that downplays fines and penalties, allows for laws that protect business from “unnecessary liability” and incorporates a cost-benefit analysis in its regulatory decisions. (Emphasis added.)
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Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Cognitive Dissonance for Twits
It is sad how people blame God for their shortcomings when they cannot face the realities of what they do. They hand a toddler a lethal weapon then are surprised when that child kills someone with it. After the reality sets in, they have to say that someone else was at fault. God is a common victim in this blame-game because he cannot defend himself. A man rapes a 10-year old girl, pregnancy results and "it's a Gift From God." she can't abort that fetus and the news cycle makes a hullabaloo about the abortion while never mentioning the crime that was perpetrated against the child.
"It was God's will. It was her time to go, I guess," grandmother Linda Riddle told WLEX. "I just know she's in heaven right now and I know she's in good hands with the Lord." Little Caroline would have been in a better place before she died if the parents did not subscribe to the gun-culture they apparently did. She would not have needed the Lord's hands if there was no gun in the house.
Well now it will be God's Will that the parents suffer recrimination for the rest of their lives unless they adequately deploy Cognitive Dissonance and decide that their daughter is better off dead. This maneuver is appallingly simple. Blame God and you are all set. That allows you to keep up appearances, but there will be spousal fights, depressions and a high probability of divorce with their 5-year old going to live with Grandma. Once you decide that children being killed in this manner is okay and alright with God, you can absolve yourself of any further concern. I name all parents who give firearms to their children "Twit Of The Day."
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Wednesday, August 5, 2015
16 Warm Wet Noses and a Horse That Sweats
... and Just Added:
I am for drug testing of Food Stamp recipients to not give taxpayer money to drug users... so that we can punish the children of low-income workers and reward the drug testing companies who need our support.
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Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Jumping The Shark: Donald's Next Show
He has been a great listener, a listener to all the rhetoric that his competitors have already spoken. Without a platform of his own, he has been able to cobble together the "one part this" and "two parts that" to woo successively more single issue voter constituencies. While the likes of Rick Santorum says "gays are sinners", Mr. Trump yells it from his pulpit and associated them with Mexicans who have come to america to vote against Republicans and get all the good jobs, welfare and rape everyone.
He has tapped into the angers, fears and bigotry of dozens of small groups of voters who of course poll in favor of the man who will not be either a status quo Republican or Democrat. Even his threat to run as an Independent has garnered yet another following. This is the man who is a threat to every other GOP candidate because to the electorate he sounds like their second choice man yet far noisier and profane. The louder her speaks and the more profane he becomes, the better they like him.
The stable of Republican horses is screwed either way. If he gets the GOP nomination (which I seriously believe they will deny to him) or he actually does run Independent, they will have to contend with his power to split the votes. His favor is only in the eyes of "likely Republican voters" not in the eyes of Democrats. There may be a few Democrats in the poll numbers, but they are not significant.
His staying power is all that is in question. When will he jump the shark overstepping some unseen line or reaching around and grabbing the wrong issue? Today he is yet another reality TV show pandering to the least educated population of Americans like did Duck Dynasty, Honey Boo Boo, and the Duggar Clan. Back in the 1960s the Smothers Brothers though wildly popular have the distinction of having been cancelled from all three big networks of the time.
Donald jumped in early to capitalize on the front side of the rising tide of notoriety. But sometimes that early entry just means an early exit too. He has to maintain his signature level of crazy for about 9 months to see if he will be nominated. Then he has a total of 16 months to keep it up until November of 2016. That will be a formidable task regardless of campaign and personal money to spend.
with his less than stellar attention span, I doubt that he will remain a front runner although he will do a lot of damage by his mere presence. He is showing Americans and the world who we are and who our Republican legislators are and what they stand for. That is not a pretty picture.
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Sunday, July 26, 2015
Twit of the Day: Jindal & Perry
He claims that gun control proponents are using this tragedy for political purposes while we ought to be praying for the families of the dead and injured. IRONY ALERT: By Jindal saying this at this inopportune time, HE is using this tragedy for political purposes.
I can't argue with you, Gov., and you know why. I can however point out that will never be an "appropriate time" to discuss gun control (or people control as it rightly should be labeled) if we agree to not discuss the issue anytime within 2 days of a major shooting in this country. I can see the Congressional debate going like this.
Congressperson: "Mr. Speaker I'd like to bring up the matter of guns in the hands of mentally unstable people."
Speaker: "The Honorable Congressperson has the floor..."
Congressperson: "This matter is of utmost urgency and while it has been 49 hours since the last mass shooting in this country, I believe you would agree that the moratorium on debating this matter has expired. This matter has been put off too long, and we have kicked that can down the road many miles and..."
Speaker: "Excuse me, Congressperson, I must interrupt you at this time and ask that you reserve your remaining comments until Monday. There is a report of a shooting at the Water Park in Katchizcatcan. We must turn to prayer for the 3 adults and 5 children who have had their day spoiled by a Lone Wolf White Man with with a Glock."
Congressperson: "But... but... this debate is very important."
Speaker: "You, Sir, are out of order. It is inappropriate to speak of these thing at a time like this."
Congressperson: "If not now, when? "End of Story. That story. The next chapter will be written tomorrow.
Then of course there is former Texas Gov. Rick Perry who lusts after more bloodshed in theaters, schools, bars, strip malls, and churches. Arm the citizens and let them take care of the "bad guys with the guns."
The Gov. said, "I believe that, with all my heart, that if you have the citizens who are well trained, and particularly in these places that are considered to be gun-free zones, that we can stop that type of activity, or stop it before there's as many people that are impacted as what we saw in Lafayette," [emphasis added]
Perry believes that existing gun laws are sufficient to handle the problem, if they were properly enforced. he told CNN talking person. He also lowered his voice a decibel or two when he stipulated "well trained and background checked." So he does admit that to make a difference we need more laws such as "backgound checks" mandatory training and proficiency because there is no states consensus on these issues, especially in Texas.
Trained carriers who have been vetted should have the freedom to carry guns, Perry added, making it clear that laws are needed to "vett" prospective gun carriers. He like so many other gun violence apologists believe in the 2nd amendment as a right for everyone, but will not take action to stop the people who should not have one. He supports a vetting process but will not support a law to make one. For that he rises to the status of a Twit of the Day along with brother-governor Jindal. Two men sharing one brain.
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Thursday, July 2, 2015
Republican Legislators are Out and About Shaming Low-income Americans For a Business Motive
I was in line at the supermarket when the cashier told the woman in line ahead of me that she could not buy the fat-free milk because it was not for her children as required. The clerk was only following what the cash register was reporting about the purchase rules. The price was the same. I gave her my gallon and took hers saying, "meet me outside."
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Non-sequitur ALERT!
See more at:
Mat Staver urged conservative Christians to engage in "peaceful resistance” to the Supreme Court’s ruling. Likening the fight against marriage equality to the fight for racial equality, Staver said, “This is the Rosa Parks on the bus. If they tell you to go to the back of the bus because your skin color doesn’t match what they want, don’t go to the back of the bus. This is the time for peaceful resistance, and this is the time to stand with people who are engaged in peaceful resistance.”- See more at:
The big difference is that Rosa Parks stood AGAINST discrimination whereas Mat Staver and all Christian Conservatives who would listen to him and act in accordance are promoting and supporting discrimination. Are they really that ignorant? "If you are gay, get thee to the back of the bus."
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Twits Will Say Anything For Money or Attention
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Saturday, June 27, 2015
For Sunday, June 28, 2015 the TOD is (drum roll) Jim Inhofe!
WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), a leading Senate conservative, today made the following statement about the Supreme Court’s decision on same-sex marriage.
“I am disappointed by today’s Supreme Court decision. My position on this issue is clear and has not changed. It is unfortunate that the Court took it upon itself to decide for the people what was being appropriately debated and decided in the states through the democratic process.” Imhofe website.
For Sunday, June 28, 2015 the TOD is (drum roll) Jim Inhofe!
His comment that marriage rights are "appropriately debated and decided in the states through the democratic process" is a statement that only a Twit can understand. This is equivalent to a state legislature voting to decide that people of a national heritage, genetic background, or religious persuasion are property and can be bought, sold, and worked to death. It is the same as those representative bodies debating and voting to incarcerate a person for not swearing allegiance to the flag or for not believing in a god.
His belief that it is appropriate to allow common rights to people on one side of a street to be granted that is denied on the other side. Yes, there are places where streets form state boundaries. There are just some aspects of human existence that no matter how long the right has not been recognized or has been actively denied, it is inappropriate to continue even for a day to fail to recognize the right.
Let's look at a Constitution right that the Supreme Court ruled on that flies in the face of EVERY human being. Corporations are people in the sense that they have rights to free speech and religious faith that can inform who they do business with and what benefits they provide to their employees. I personally think this is a travesty of Justices but for now it is the law of the land. Supreme Court Justices are not immune from Twit-like decisions. One can only hope that a future Congress will act to undo that damage as well as other corporation-friendly rulings that injure humans.
You know, there are just some aspects of human society that can't be legislated at a geographical level. Unfortunately, the United Stated, no matter how much it wishes it to be true, cannot legislate beyond its own borders. However, within them they can be consistent.
Feeble Symbolic Resistance
There are forces of social change that bring great good and those that bring great evils. There are those forces that depending on who you are and what you believe are either good or evil in your own mind. The relative good or evil of some forces of change can be debated ad naseum without there being a satisfactory solution or reconciliation of the positional camps.
In the days of the American Revolution and separation from England, there were those people who felt that such an undertaking was a terribly bad thing to do. There were loyalist to the Crown who at the outset might have been heroes, but were hanged for their actions and positions.
The American Civil War likewise had its heroes and traitors who were rewarded or executed, respectively. In both of these wars there was a change of the tide toward the new social order that would be carried forward into our Present. Those people who embraced the change prospered by it and those who stood fast against the change were buried under it. Our own Nathan Hale regretted that he "had but one life to give for his country." He gave it at the end of a rope. He was however on the "right" side of history and counted as a hero.
Patrick Henry is variously credited with saying some version of "give me liberty or give me death" to motivate Virginia to commit troops in the Revolutionary War. While the stature of these men has grown over the centuries, they were but ordinary men in their time.
Today we must endure the rhetoric of men who would like to be great leaders except that they are on the wrong side of what will become history in short order.
There is a tidal surge of support for the social changes that are manifest in our time. The upheld Affordable Care Act and the marriage equality rulings of the Supreme Court are but two such components of the wave that is sweeping over America. Anyone one who tries to stand that tide will be washed away by it and relegated to posterity as a fool who thought he was wise.
A generation ago Governor George Wallace defied the Civil Rights Act and desegregation of his state and in a largely symbolic stance, stood in the doorway at the University of Alabama in 1963 to keep it segregated. Later in his life he renounced his racial segregation position even though he was on the wrong side of change in 1963.
In our time a dozen or so republican candidate hopefuls each make their feeble stand against the overwhelming tide to assert their beliefs for inequality much like Governor Wallace did 52 years ago. However on the stage today there is no symbolic university doorway in which to make the stand. Back then National Guard troops could escort black students into newly desegregated schools and arrest any man or woman who stood in the way.
Today governors can only issue lame proclamations that municipal employees should not process same-sex marriage licenses and they can refuse to set up the necessary health insurance programs that would provide a semblance of equity in access to health care by low wage and unemployed citizens. While these governors are acting like Twits and are attempting to turn back the tide, there is no geographic location at which the Federal government can send troops.
Health care signups are more virtual and can be accomplished anywhere there is Internet access and a computer. Every county has an office where a marriage license may be obtained, so no governor is capable of performing a Wallace-esque stand your ground act. All further disputes about access to health care sign up or marriage license issuance will be handled in the courts with no armed military necessary. The collective Twit universe will ultimately fail to stop what has begun.
The ramblings of such Twits as Mike Huckabee, Bobby Jindal, Ted Cruz, Rick Perry, Rand Paul et al to stand in the way of implementing the policies which the Supreme Court has upheld are one the acts of Twits. They will lose in the end, but will do a huge amount of damage to the integrity of the nation. They will divide people and keep them in their own cohorts in such a manner that they cannot act in concert on any socially beneficial legislation. Even the nay-saying Justices each wrote a minority opinion that serves to entrench the divisions among segments of the American people.
The dispute over marriage equality is not yet over, and will drag on probably for decades. To many people the American Civil War is still not over until the South rises again. The disagreement concerning Civil Rights, disability rights, desegregation, and the integration of school is still being waged these 52 years later.
As long as there are politicians and pseudo-celebrity personalities stoking the fires there will be twit-followers who talk up the rhetoric and carry it forward in relay-race fashion for yet another generation.
Actually all this resistance to the Affordable Care Act (aka ObamaCare) will serve to be the leading force of change that will eventually become a Single-payer Health Care system rather than the medical insurance industry it has become.
Friday, June 26, 2015
Extra Edition - Twit of the Day
Texas Gov. Abbott has no idea what "religious liberty" is. Religious liberty is not being tied to a stake and being burned because your dogma differs from the man with the torch. Religious liberty is being able to choose which god you think will destroy the world if you allow other people to choose their own mores, customs and rituals. Religious liberty is NOT persecuting those others due to your own fears. Religious liberties are NOT something you practice yourself but deny to others. Religious liberties are not trumped by civil rights that are granted by the Constitution of the United States and are duly interpreted by (presently) nine appointed Justices that are confirmed by the elected Congress of the United States.
Gov. Greg Abbott is a Twit among other more legalese defined criminal types, for example Sedition-ist. He has come out openly to say that he will order other Americans to defy the Federal government and the Constitution.
The echo machine is already trying to besmirch the Supreme Court by labeling them "Imperialist".
Right-wing Conservatives liken their distaste for same-sex marriage to such things as the Holocaust, the reign of Joseph Stalin, and Hitler. They love playing the victim. They think that if they are flailing someone with a stick and that person strikes back it is an attack of their faith. For the government to tall them that beating people with stick is not allowed, THAT is an attack on their religious liberties since they have been beating people with sticks for centuries.
Now today when the Supreme Court says that no state in the Union may abridge the rights of any two adults to be married and benefit from all the rights and responsibilities that any two other adults may
enjoy, THAT is an attack on their traditional hatreds of people who don't believe as they do. Marriage has always been a duality in Western civilization. There is a religious and spiritual facet and there is a legal facet.
The legal facets of marriage confer rights of inheritance, parental rights, property rights, surviving spouse Social Security rights, pension rights, and health insurance and life insurance beneficiary rights. These are all the rights that Gov. Abbott would deny to the at least one-half of every same-sex marriage couple. Now THAT would be denying equal protection under the law.